Going Fragrance-free in the workplace is the right choice when fragrance-related health effects cost employers billions of dollars annually.
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Perfume – the hidden bane of your health
All perfume today contains synthetic toxic chemicals that can make you ill. Perfume The Hidden Bane of your health reveals the horror behind the perfume industry
Does fragrance cause cancer? (aka perfume, parfum, fragrance, scent)
Does fragrance cause cancer? One of life’s big mysteries is how it is possible that there are both “Yes” and “No” answers to that question?
We’ve created the ‘Perfume, Fragrance and Scent are toxic!’ Facebook Group as a discussion forum
Connect with other Fragrance free enthusiasts and join the Perfume, Fragrance and Scent are toxic! Facebook Group
Scent Marketing: they are poisoning us
Using Scent marketing to infuse sales spaces in order to influence buying behavior is not only manipulative, but it is harming us physically too.
Prevent cancer by simply avoiding exposure to fragrances (a.k.a. “scent”, “perfume” or “parfum”), experts say.
What is one way to prevent cancer? Avoid exposure to fragrances! Unfortunately, we are bombarded with fragrances almost everywhere we go, and sadly, almost everything we buy – from shampoo to scented candles – is “fragranced”.
Why on earth are breast cancer charities using scented candles as fundraising gifts?
Many breast cancer charities around the world seem to be oblivious of the fact that the scented candles or fragranced candles, which they use as part of their fundraising efforts, contain toxic chemicals that can cause cancer and other health problems, according to CancerFACTFINDER
For the sake of your health (and that of your family), you need to watch these two videos
Harmful toxins, many of them carcinogens, are found in almost all perfumes and perfumed, fragranced or scented product today, hidden within the insidious ingredient, “perfume”, “parfum, or “fragrance”. Sounds harmless, doesn’t it? Think again.
Why Fragranced Screenwash/Windshield Fluid Is a Problem
Every time you use your screenwash, you are giving yourself and your passengers (your children?) a large dose of these chemicals that immediately get blown into the car via the fan, which you and they then breathe in for a prolonged period since, if the windows are up, the car is an enclosed space.
WARNING: The “perfume”, “parfum” or “fragrance” now added to almost every product under the sun contains around 4,000 chemicals, most of which have never been tested!
It is a little-known fact that there are around 4,000 chemicals included under “perfume.” 95% of these chemicals are extracted from petroleum – the oil industry plays a dubious role in this.